For too long, New Jersey has been one of the most overtaxed and overregulated states in the country, driving businesses and families away in record numbers. The Democrats’ tax-and-spend policies have turned the Garden State into a national embarrassment, and hardworking citizens are paying the price.
Governor Murphy and his Democrat allies have imposed endless tax hikes, business regulations, and radical climate policies that crush small businesses and make it impossible for middle-class families to thrive. While our neighbors in Florida and Texas are experiencing economic booms, New Jersey is bleeding residents at an alarming rate—people can’t afford to live here anymore.
Republicans in New Jersey are fighting to change that. We are pushing for historic tax cuts that will lower property taxes, eliminate the estate tax, and provide relief to small businesses that have been devastated by Murphy’s overreach. We believe in an economy that rewards hard work, not punishes it.
The statistics don’t lie:
• New Jersey’s property taxes are the highest in the nation.
• Small businesses are closing their doors due to punishing regulations.
• Families are fleeing to tax-friendly states like Florida, taking their wealth and opportunities with them.
Democrats have had their way for too long, and their policies have failed. It’s time for change. Republican leaders are ready to cut taxes, eliminate bureaucratic red tape, and bring businesses back to New Jersey.
President Trump’s second term will bring pro-business, pro-growth policies back to Washington, giving New Jersey Republicans a perfect opportunity to fight for the economic revival of our state.
Our message to Trenton is simple: Lower taxes. Less regulation. More freedom. If we want to Rebuild New Jersey, it starts with putting money back in the pockets of hardworking families and getting government out of the way of success.
The time to act is now. The people of New Jersey deserve better—and we’re going to fight to give it to them.